Il flauto magico
The Magic Flute by Mozart is a Singspiel (i.e. an opera with spoken dialogues), with music and scenes touching upon humour and fantasy, but also drama and ethics. Its characters can be interpreted literally but also metaphorically: thus, the Queen of the Night (seen in the impressive aria “Rancor di donna brucia nel mio core”) is a wicked and vengeful mother but she is also a symbol of obscurantism; Papageno can be seen both as a naive, jolly and slightly anxjous wood creature (“Io son l’uccellatore”), and as the symbol of the most genuine humanly wishes; Tamino (“O immagine di cui mortale / non mai conoscerà l’eguale!”) is the armed soldier of many a fairy tale but he also embodies the ideal of a man who puts reasoning and knowledge before violence.
The Magic Flute (“Il Flauto Magico”) will be sung in Italian